Steal our Forever Business Model™



Watch this 9-minute video to see how we used The Forever Business Model™ to generate free leads and hit $87K months in less than 12 months—all from scratch, with zero start-up capital.

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We’ve sold more than $100M in coaching and training packages.
Our clients have generated over $1B in results.
Step inside and steal the proven strategies we used, so you can install them in your business.
Enter your best email above to watch the training and gain exclusive access to ongoing insights, resources, and real-life success stories.



Watch this 9-minute video to see how we used The Forever Business Model™ to generate free leads and hit $87K months in less than 12 months—all from scratch, with zero start-up capital.

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We’ve sold more than $100M in coaching and training packages.
Our clients have generated over $1B in results.

Step inside and steal the proven strategies we used, so you can install them in your business.
Enter your best email above to watch the training and gain exclusive access to ongoing insights, resources, and real-life success stories.

Inside we share our methods daily to help you achieve more profit and time for the people, places, and experiences you love… 24/7.

By entering the community, you will be joining us in the movement to create Forever Clients—loyal super fans who buy everything you are selling and refer others to you like crazy

Let's first get a couple of things straight.
  • The results we share are possible and even probable, but it takes work.
  • If you are looking to become an overnight success and get rich quick without putting in the reps–
  • This is probably not the place for you.
  • We won't be making flash in the pan promises like making $100k in 100 days.
  • Our methods are tried and tested - we don’t put anything out that we have achieved success with ourselves.
  • And it's important to note while we and our clients are achieving success with our methods, your results come down to you.
  • As well as your willingness to do the work and your experience.
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Conor and I have 32 years of combined experience in the Coaching, Therapy and Training field.
We’ve seen it all and made every mistake possible.
We’ve watched countless businesses and guru’s come and go.
After thriving through several global crises we’ve come to learn that long term sustainable growth strategies trump the latest fad and funnel every day of the week.
Our plan is to share what we’ve learnt and along the way, show you the success our clients are having as they implement our strategies.

They aren’t easy BUT, they are simple.

And they needed to be because after spending decades working months straight on end and grinding it out for over 12-14 hours per day something had to give.
If you are settling in for your next rags to riches story this isnt it.
We do both however enjoy the sounds of the waves crashing from our homes by the beach.

Rewind almost 10 years ago…in a previous life.

Conor was the COO of one of Australia and the United States largest alternative training schools.
Conor went on to recruit me after the success I was having in my own training and coaching business.
Within 12 months of working together Profits soared by 30% and we quickly cracked the 8 figure milestone across both countries.
For the next 7 years we broke every company bench-mark and record and overtook every other company in the marketplace.
We travelled the world, ran trainings in every corner of the globe and trained thousands of people and coached ten thousand more. Ran teams as little as 10 and as many as 150.
Huge events that required everything we had and then some more.

Managing the marketing, sales, coaching, training delivery, and logistics to keep everything running smoothly was no joke.

We loved it.
Until we didn’t.

Long hours, large teams, weeks away from home from our families and babies on the way.
Not to mention the fatigue and burnout left behind from a little global crisis that we fortunately thrived through, but it all took its toll.
Things finally came to a head roughly at the same time as my second little girl was being born. I told Conor I was pulling the pin.
To do what I didn’t know. I loved what I did but because of my new found constraints I had to do it differently.
In an interesting twist of fate a little over a year later - Conor decided to step away from his role as COO and was hungry to try something new.

During this pivotal turning point, I visited Conor. We discussed fresh ideas, refined our concepts, and, together, shaped the vision that would become Connekt Coaching.

In less than 12 months we had the business humming at $87K months and growing.
With a little under 90% profit margin.
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Our vision is to get back to that 8 figure sweet spot we know and are comfortable with.
This time whilst having the business fit our lifestyle not the other way around.
The exciting part is we get to invite you along for the ride and while you are on it you can swipe as many as our methods as you like.

Its all there waiting for you inside.

You see, we believe building a coaching, therapy or training business can be easy.

It only takes two things

  1. 100 Forever Clients.
  2. A place for them to belong.
Business is about relationships. And we believe-
Trust + Reliability is Currency of the future - and we are going long on it.
This is what The Forever Business Model™ and the other mechanisms we use are all geared toward.
We detail every step inside.
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PS. Most people skip to the end to figure out how much the thing is and skip right to the punch line… we’re offering you a FREE video on how we generate free leads that convert into multi 5 figure forever clients.

We’re also inviting you to join our private community where you can steal our system to reach $87K/month within 12 months of operating from scratch with no start-up capital. 

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